Job Description for Bar Supervisor in Vietnamese

A bar supervisor is generally an overseer to all bar operations tasked with the duty to ensure activities therein run smoothly. Being that you are the boss to the bar staff, you are expected to lead by example, support, and motivate your employees by all means possible. At the end of the day quality output is demanded of and from your workforce.


As the supervisor, you run several things. We are looking to hire someone with a keen eye in spotting potential staff from the crowds, and also high organizational skills to ensure employees are performing their duties as needed. You will occasionally be reporting to higher-level staff as regards the progress sales-wise as well as staff performance. Moreover, appropriate health and safety regulations must be maintained at all times.
As the supervisor, you run several things. We are looking to hire someone with a keen eye in spotting potential staff from the crowds, and also high organizational skills to ensure employees are performing their duties as needed. You will occasionally be reporting to higher-level staff as regards the progress sales-wise as well as staff performance. Moreover, appropriate health and safety regulations must be maintained at all times.


  • Good problem-solving skills.
  • Mastery of financial expertise such as handling inventory
  • Resume and proven working experience 

  • Good problem-solving skills.
  • Mastery of financial expertise such as handling inventory
  • Resume and proven working experience 


  • Hire bar staff
  • Schedule work shifts
  • Maintain bar supplies and restock whenever necessary
  • Ensure licensing regulations are maintained
  • Step in to solve customer disputes and/or address their complaints.
  • Keep track of the bar’s budget and expenditure.

  • Hire bar staff
  • Schedule work shifts
  • Maintain bar supplies and restock whenever necessary
  • Ensure licensing regulations are maintained
  • Step in to solve customer disputes and/or address their complaints.
  • Keep track of the bar’s budget and expenditure.


  • Opportunity to scale up to higher management positions.
  • Good salary base.

  • Opportunity to scale up to higher management positions.
  • Good salary base.

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